UNBSJ Writing Centre Appointment System Logo

Welcome to WCOnline for the


Main level, Hans W. Klohn Commons (Rooms 131 & 132)

Writing consultants provide feedback to students via written comments, video consultations, or in-person appointments. Students choose their preferred format when booking appointments. 

Appointments must booked at least ONE HOUR before the start time. Any changes to your appointment must be made at least ONE HOUR before the start time.

Students can book one appointment per week, up to two weeks in advance, with a maximum of three appointments per month.
Appointments can be booked up to two weeks in advance.
Please note: We do not review exams

Join the daily waiting list to be notified by email of any openings (schedule changes all the time).

Have a quick question? Email us at unbsjwritingcentre@unb.ca 

For all appointment formats, please upload a Word file (not PDF) of your work in progress along with assignment instructions (or explain in comments) before the scheduled start time. Instructions and rubrics can be PDF.
To attach files (required) or add comments (optional) to your appointment:
  1. Click on your appointment to open it in a new window
  2. Click "Edit Appointment" (blue button at the bottom)
  3. Add comments (instructions or any questions/concerns)
  4. Attach files (draft of your paper, instructions, grading rubric)
  5. Click "Save Changes"
  6. Close window
If you need to contact us, please email:  unbsjwritingcentre@unb.ca
James McClure        james.mcclure@unb.ca
Jan Waldschutz       jan.waldschutz@unb.ca
Jessica Raven          jessica.raven@unb.ca


1. Register an email address and password to set up your account.


The email and password you choose for this website is NOT linked to your UNB account. Changing your UNB password will not change your password for the Writing Centre.

You can update your profile in WCOnline at any time to change your email, password, or any other details.

2. LOG IN with your email and password and choose your schedule (the default schedule is the Writing Centre). Available appointment times are displayed in white. Click on the white box and your appointment screen will display. 

If the schedule is full, join the daily waiting list to receive an email notification if any appointment times become available.


Late and missed appointments policy:

If a student is 15 minutes late for their appointment, the appointment will be cancelled and logged as a No Show. 

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please do so well in advance so the time booked becomes available for other students. 

Students who regularly miss appointments (without cancelling them) risk losing their Writing Centre privileges.